Güncelleme Tarihi: 24 Mart 2022

Gösterim: 140

Training on “Learn First, Then Nutrition” Held at Cumhuriyet Primary School

With the contributions of our University's Child Education Application and Research Center and Nutrition and Dietetics Society, a training held "Learn First, Then Eat" is organized for two groups of students at Cumhuriyet Primary School.

In the morning session, Eda Aybala GEDİK, Mine Nur ÇELİK, Tayfun Eren GEYİK, Melike KÖSELER and Betül AKALAN, our students from the Nutrition and Dietetics Society, make a presentation on the importance of nutrition, the contents of foods and obesity to two groups of primary school fourth grade students, and them informed about the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and dietetics.

Our Child Education Application and Research Center director Dr. Engin DEMIR, Dr. Cennet GÖLOĞLU DEMİR and Research Assistant Burak YAPRAK attended. On the other hand, school principal Mustafa AKGÜL and vice-principal Esra ERKAYA from Cumhuriyet Primary School, which hosted the trainings, also attended.
